Dr. Arno Formella, Computer Science Department
Ray Tracing
A. Formella and
K. Müller.
Bended Surfaces for Ray Tracing: A Fast View-Dependent Algorithm
In H.P. Seidel, B. Girod, H. Niemann (Eds.),
Proceedings of 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis '97.
infix, Sankt Augustin, ISBN 3-89601-007-7, pp. 19-26, November 1997.
A. Formella and
K. Müller.
A view point dependent approach to ray trace free-form surfaces
preprint-version of the article published in
Computer Graphics Forum,
Vol. 23, Num. 2, pp. 143-155, June 2004.
Publication: A. Formella and A. Lukaszewski. Fast Penumbra Calculation in Ray Tracing . In Václav Skala (Ed.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization '98. University of West Bohemia Press, Plzen, Czech Republic, ISBN 80-7082-360-7, vol. 2, pp. 238-245, Februar 1998.
Publication: A. Formella and C. Gill. Ray Tracing: A Quantitative Analysis and a New Practical Algorithm . The Visual Computer. Vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 465-476, 1995.
Publication: A. Formella. Ray Tracing Complex Scenes: Sequential or in Parallel? Proceedings of 7th IASTED/ISMM International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, pp. 89-92, Georgetown, October 1995. |
Publication: A. Formella and P.P. Kiefer AniLan: An Animation Language. In Proceedings of Computer Animation '96. IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 184-189, June 1996.
Publication: A. Formella and M. Braun. AniGraph: A Data Structure for Computer Animation . In Proceedings of Computer Animation '95, pp. 126-137, IEEE Computer Society Press, April 1995.
Publication: A. Formella, C. Gill and V. Hofmeyer. Fast Ray Tracing by Ray History Evaluation. In Proceedings of Computer Animation '94, pp. 184-191. IEEE Computer Society Press, May 1994. |
Arno Formella,
last update: October 5, 2004