Dr. Arno Formella, Computer Science Department

Investigation in Computer Graphics

Ray Tracing

Rendering of curved surfaces modeled through meshes of triangles based on ray tracing. More ...


A. Formella and K. Müller. Bended Surfaces for Ray Tracing: A Fast View-Dependent Algorithm . In H.P. Seidel, B. Girod, H. Niemann (Eds.), Proceedings of 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis '97. infix, Sankt Augustin, ISBN 3-89601-007-7, pp. 19-26, November 1997.

A. Formella and K. Müller. A view point dependent approach to ray trace free-form surfaces . preprint-version of the article published in Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 23, Num. 2, pp. 143-155, June 2004.

Acceleration technique for distributed (stochastic) ray tracing to include penumbra.

Publication: A. Formella and A. Lukaszewski. Fast Penumbra Calculation in Ray Tracing . In Václav Skala (Ed.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization '98. University of West Bohemia Press, Plzen, Czech Republic, ISBN 80-7082-360-7, vol. 2, pp. 238-245, Februar 1998.

Automatic space subdivision to accelerate ray tracing.

Publication: A. Formella and C. Gill. Ray Tracing: A Quantitative Analysis and a New Practical Algorithm . The Visual Computer. Vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 465-476, 1995.

Ray tracing as difficult job for parallel computers.

Publication: A. Formella. Ray Tracing Complex Scenes: Sequential or in Parallel? Proceedings of 7th IASTED/ISMM International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, pp. 89-92, Georgetown, October 1995.


Development of a simple language to describe complex computer animations.

Publication: A. Formella and P.P. Kiefer AniLan: An Animation Language. In Proceedings of Computer Animation '96. IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 184-189, June 1996.

Development of a data structure to specify complex computer animations. Example animation [210KB] where the technique was used to describe the animation and to produce the sequence of frame descriptions.

Publication: A. Formella and M. Braun. AniGraph: A Data Structure for Computer Animation . In Proceedings of Computer Animation '95, pp. 126-137, IEEE Computer Society Press, April 1995.

Acceleration technique to generate animated sequences of ray traced images. Example animation [2MB] where the technique was used to visualize the new building of the Computer Science Departement of the University of the Saarland prior to its construction.

Publication: A. Formella, C. Gill and V. Hofmeyer. Fast Ray Tracing by Ray History Evaluation. In Proceedings of Computer Animation '94, pp. 184-191. IEEE Computer Society Press, May 1994.

© Arno Formella, last update: October 5, 2004