Dr. Arno Formella
Profesor Contratado Doutor
Escola Superior de Enxeñaría Informática
Departamento de Informática
Área de Linguaxes e Sistemas Informáticos

Métodos de Optimización e Procura
Optimization and Search Methods
Métodos de Optimización y Búsqueda

course 2010/2011

This course is taught in English.

Module I, Advanced Algorithms: Optimization and Search Methods

  • You should read the slides and do the homework as put starting on slide 7 (+or-).

  • The "problem" with the NEOS-server we used in class has been fixed. Thanks to Jason Sarich from ANL.

  • You should use the NEOS-server suite to find the minimum of our simple function for significant sets of fixed parameters (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,...).

  • You should specify a simple linear constraint optimization problem with linear cost function and solve it with the NEOS-server suite. Use AMPL input, use a simple problem with two variables you can solve graphically, use a more complex one with at least 4 variables.

  • You should form a group with at most one other student, select in accordance with Prof. Arno Formella one of the proposed algorithms below, and elaborate a not too short and not too long article (10 to 20 pages) about the algorithm, including at least the aspects: description of the algorithm, main field of application, advantages and disadvantages compared to other algorithms, available software/implementations, critical discussion of their APIs, and references on the algorithm and its applications.

    • Nelder Mead algorithm
    • Newton Raphson
    • Rodríquez García-Palomares algorithm
    • Levenberg Marquardt algorithm
    • great deluge algorithm
    • local unimodel sampling

  • slides (final version)

© 2009-2010 Arno Formella, last update: December 27, 2010